Why donate to PeCAN?


PeCAN needs YOU! We rely on your donations to fund our events, materials, resources and projects.

Our mission is to help Petersfield and surrounding villages reduce carbon emissions and protect nature, which we do by leading and supporting decarbonisation and biodiversity projects in the community.

We work with local people and organisations to help make the changes to our buildings, transport, natural environment, understanding and behaviour that our community needs to live sustainably. 

Please give to PeCAN. If you want to explore how to give or what you can give for, don't hesitate to contact us.


How can I donate to PeCAN?


We welcome one-off or regular donations, or you can give a donation as a gift for a loved one and receive a downloadable gift certificate by email. You could also give a commemorative donation. Please contact us if you need a gift certificate.

You can donate as part of one of our fundraising events, or leave a legacy gift. The Charities Aid Foundation also allows you to Give As You Earn. You would need to discuss this with your employer if it is a route you would like to explore.

And, of course, if you're in the position to do so PeCAN is open to receiving large gifts, along with accompanying suggestions as to how these should be used.

We would also encourage you to make use of Gift Aid. If you are a UK taxpayer and provide us with a Gift Aid declaration, we can reclaim 25p for every £1 you give us. Gift Aid is a government scheme where charities can reclaim money on your contribution from HM Revenue & Customs.

A donation to PeCAN truly is a gift to, and for, the future.



You could leave a lasting legacy


Have you considered what kind of ancestor do you want to be? A sustainable, low carbon Petersfield could be your legacy.

Thinking about our wills can be daunting, but legacies aren't about death, they are about life.

Leaving Petersfield Climate Action Network a gift is one of the most valuable and lasting ways you can support local climate action into the future.

There are three main types of legacy you can leave in your will:

  • The gift of a specific sum of money, known as a Pecuniary Gift
  • The gift of a particular item such as a painting or piece of jewellery, known as a Specific Gift
  • A share of the value of your estate after debts, liabilities and other legacies have been paid, known as a Residuary Gift

Please contact us for more information, and make sure you consult a qualified professional such as a solicitor when making or amending your will, to ensure that your wishes are properly carried out. The Law Society or Citizens Advice can help.