
Would you like to help run PeCAN?

We are looking for three motivated, capable people, to take on a number of key roles on our board, as some existing trustees begin to think about succession. These are very rewarding roles in a dynamic and well-regarded organisation, with strong links to Petersfield’s community.

Please scroll down to explore the roles.

To express interest or arrange an informal chat with one of the existing trustees about any of these roles, please email us.

Deputy chair of trustees (and chair designate)    

Trustee role to support the chair with governance and oversight tasks which include: managing the governance of the organisation and chairing board meetings; setting the strategy in consultation with other stakeholders; checking that the charity is meeting its goals and charitable objects, managing its resources well, complying with legal requirements, and meeting funders’ requirements.

To participate in core decisions relating to the organisation’s performance, governance and organisational development.

It is envisaged that the deputy chair would move up to the chair role.

Person profile: you are passionate about climate change and protecting nature, live within easy striking distance of Petersfield, enjoy working with a diverse and energetic group of volunteers. You have some governance experience and are comfortable working with governance documents, including finance reports, and with chairing meetings.

Time commitment: The trustee board meets every month for an hour and half to oversee projects and governance issues. As a key trustee you will be consulted on projects, funding bids and financial matters by other trustees as these arise. There are also one or two full-day meetings a year, normally in the spring, to update strategy. 


Trustee role to manage the overall finances of the charity, ensuring that financial procedures and systems remain in place and are effective, that expenditure is controlled, and that proper accounts are being maintained by staff.

To undertake financial planning, budgeting and forecasting to ensure that the charity manages within its given resources and in accordance with the charity’s objectives and charity law.

To prepare financial reports to the board of trustees, providers of funding and the annual report and accounts for the charity commission.

As a member of the trustee board, participate in core decisions relating to the organisation’s performance, governance and organisational development.

Person profile: You are passionate about climate change and protecting nature, live within easy striking distance of Petersfield, and enjoy working with a diverse and energetic group of volunteers. You have a background or qualification in finance or accounting.

Time commitment: Three or four hours a week to oversee finances. Staff will assist with bookkeeping. The trustee board meets every month for an hour and half to oversee projects and governance issues. As a key trustee you will be consulted on projects, funding bids and financial matters by other trustees as these arise.


A trustee position to support the chair by handling the organisation’s administration tasks, convening board meetings and preparing documents, writing up the minutes, maintaining a register of trustees, ensuring that the organisation complies with legal requirements, helping to monitor the organisation’s progress against its goals.

To participate in core decisions relating to the organisation’s performance, governance and organisational development.

Person profile: You are passionate about climate change and protecting nature, live within easy striking distance of Petersfield, and enjoy working with a diverse and energetic group of volunteers. You have a practical mindset, good organisational skills and are comfortable working with governance documents. 

Time commitment: The trustee board meets every month for an hour and half to oversee projects and governance issues. As a key trustee you will be consulted on projects, funding bids and financial matters by other trustees as these arise. There are also one or two full-day meetings a year, normally in the spring, to update strategy. 

Volunteering Opportunities

There are many other great volunteering opportunities available at PeCAN. You can find an up-to-date list and sign up for activities on our Better Impact page.    

To whet your appetite, a description of some our volunteering roles is below.

Please note, PeCAN has policies on Volunteers, Health & Safety and Lone Working, and Safeguarding

Education outreach volunteer

We are looking for volunteers to help with our education outreach. This is part of the charity’s work to help the younger generation develop their understanding of climate change and what they might be able to do within their communities.  We run assemblies and workshops in both primary and secondary schools as well as for local youth groups and are looking for people to assist us in delivering those sessions.

What's involved?

  • Join PeCAN’s presenters in schools/clubs and support them with their delivery of workshops and assemblies
  • Help devise content for assemblies and workshops

What's the time commitment?

  • You can offer as many or as few sessions as you like. Each one would need around half a day, including preparation

Some experience of education (primary or secondary or extra curricular) might be useful but really you just have to enjoy working with young people!

If you would like to find out more please contact Rachel Ritchie via our Contact Us page.

Events organiser

PeCAN needs volunteers to help us organise public events including walks, film screenings, public talks and the Eco Fair 2024. We are currently looking for help putting on small events for local business owners (e.g. bringing in experts to talk about sustainable packaging, carbon footprinting etc).  

What's involved? 

  • Work with PeCAN staff to plan and organise events including finding venues and securing speakers and dates
  • Help to promote and run events
  • Help us think of new event ideas

What's the time commitment?

  • This could be just for one event or more regular support. For a single event, expect a few hours a week for about a month

If you would like to find out more please contact us.

Eco Cafe host

Petersfield's Eco Café, supported by PeCAN, runs every Tuesday morning from 10am - midday at Winton House. We also run an evening 'cafe' once a month, usually on a Wednesday or Thursday from 7pm at Ruby & Monty's. We are looking for volunteers to help host these regular get-togethers.

What's involved? 

  • Welcome newcomers and regular attendees
  • Help to make teas and coffees
  • Chat to people about what we could collectively do to help protect the environment in our town
  • Share news and projects related to PeCAN and opportunities for people to get involved

What's the time commitment?

  • Two hours plus set-up time. A regular commitment, such as hosting once a month, would be ideal  

If you would like to find out more please contact us.

Active Travel volunteer

Help us to campaign for improved cycling and walking routes in and around Petersfield, including the Rother Valley Way (a wonderful proposal to create a walking and cycling route between Petersfield and Midhurst along the old railway line).

What's involved?

  • Work with PeCAN’s active travel lead to map routes, identify improvements, and promote them to local authorities through written consultations and meetings
  • Help us to build evidence through well-designed surveys and prepare business cases for specific improvements
  • Liaise with stakeholder groups, such as the Friends of the Rother Valley Way and Petersfield Town Council’s Town Development Committee
  • Write blogs and articles
  • Prior experience of route planning is not essential, but an interest in promoting cycling/walking is needed, as is a collaborative approach and professional skills
  • Experience of mapping/drawing tools would be useful

What's the time commitment?

  • One day a week, more or less depending on your availabililty

If you would like to find out more please contact us.

Planning application reviewer

We are looking for volunteers to help us review planning applications and submit comments about active travel, impacts on biodiversity, and the energy efficiency of dwellings. Can be done from home.

What's involved?

  • Help us to decide which planning applications to respond to
  • Help us to assemble evidence and submit planning objections or comments
  • Liaise with interested individuals and community groups
  • Monitor new developments during and after the construction phase
  • Contribute to PeCAN’s responses to ad hoc consultations about planning policy, such as on Local Plans

What's the time commitment?

  • As much or as litttle as you wish

Prior experience of planning is not essential. An interest in either promoting cycling/walking, or some background knowledge about buildings emissions or nature and biodiversity would be helpful.

If you would like to find out more please contact us.