Energise South Downs’ Future Energy Forum, at Bedales School on Friday 6th October, will not only give you the opportunity to learn more about energy security and our future energy transition, it will hopefully also spark wider conversations and inform the decision you ultimately take about your home and energy at the ballot box.

After last winter’s shock energy price rises we will all be keeping our fingers crossed for greater stability and affordability this winter. However, with political, financial and environmental uncertainty rapidly becoming the norm across the globe, a return to the old ‘status quo’ is highly unlikely. We have unfortunately entered a brave new world, where only those brave enough to take the tough decisions will find themselves best placed to ride out the uncertainty. The question is, are our decision-makers brave enough to take these vital decisions on our behalf?

Chris Skidmore’s Independent review of Net Zero (2023) sought to ask how the UK can deliver on its net zero commitments and implement most effectively and efficiently a plan for our future energy transition. Skidmore highlights the need for decarbonisation through both energy efficiency and renewable energy generation.  A fact recognised by all our political parties. However, come the next election will any of their manifestos go far enough….and, as  a voter, do we understand the issues sufficiently well to properly scrutinise their policies, voice our opinions or hold them to account?

The evening will be chaired by John Palmer, Deputy Director, Energy Performance of Buildings, Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities. He will oversee a panel of expert speakers across the renewable energy, sustainable finance and housing sectors:

Steve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, Aviva Investors

Ollie Pendered, Chief Executive, Community Energy South

Rupert Meadows, Campaigns & Engagement Officer, Power For People

Mark Gaterell, Prof Sustainable Construction, University of Portsmouth

This is a free, non-party political event aimed at informing the community.

To book your place please visit Bedales Events and for more information click here.