Thanks to a grant from Winchester City Council, New Leaf Alresford will host a community Eco Fair on Saturday 4th November from 10am to 3pm, in the John Pearson Hall at St John’s Church.

There will be a variety of stalls, interactive displays and a series of talks from local groups and businesses covering areas from green travel and home energy to wildlife gardening, low waste shopping and cooking. This will be an ideal opportunity for people of all ages to learn more about how we can all do our bit to help the planet.

Do your children's bikes need to see the doctor? Bring them along for a free health check with the Bike Doctor, and find out more about active travel from Cycle Winchester at the same time. Have you got a jumper you no longer wear? Bring it along and take part in our great ‘Sweater Swap’!

There will be quizzes and games to take part in with prizes to be won, as well as delicious food on offer from Jo's Plant Kitchen.

Entry is free, so with entertainment for all ages please come along and find out how you can do your bit to Save Money, Save Energy, and Save the Planet.