A big family event with a range of activities, stalls and demonstrations!
Enjoy a free, fun-packed afternoon in the village hall and on the recreation ground from 1pm to 4pm.
Face-painting, a fun dog show, the popular bee hive, bug hunts, cooking demonstrations, some magical moths, mesmerisingly beautiful owls and much more.
The main theme of this year’s “B-earth Day” is nature, wildlife, pollinators and climate issues in the parish.
Stalls will include bumblebee experts, the Wildlife Trust, the RSPB, HCC’s Pollinator Team, Petersfield’s Climate Action Network, Southern Water, Petersfield Cycle Buddies, Buriton’s Thermal Image Camera team … and more.
Developers of the ReCharge One ‘eco-lodge’ site near Greenway Lane will also be there to describe their plans and answer any questions.
And there’ll be a chance to compete in arty, nature-friendly competitions.