Ten Petersfield households are leading the way in signing up for Whole-Home Retrofit Assessments under the Petersfield Area SuperHomes project.  

Helen and Mike Freeston are one of three families to have had their home assessed so far. "We've had solar panels for several years and we wanted to know what else we could do before starting on a project to renovate our kitchen. We're looking forward to seeing what the recommendations are," said Helen Freeston.

As experts at the National Energy Foundation finalise their report, PeCAN is looking to hire a Project Officer to scale up the project. PeCAN aims to help up to 150 more households over the next two years to get a whole-home retrofit assessment.

Measures that can make homes more energy efficient include insulation, draught proofing, replacing poorly fitted doors and windows, and switching to a low carbon heating system, such as an air source heat pump. Many of these measures can also be obtained at subsidised costs, through a variety of schemes such as GHG LAD, ECO3 and RHI. 

Find out how PeCAN can help you get started retrofitting your home here.