Are you running out of ideas for Christmas gifts? Perhaps you want to resist the mayhem of gift-buying, or maybe you'd just prefer to do something different this year...

You can now give the gift of a donation to PeCAN so that we can continue our work to make Petersfield more sustainable for the future. It is our mission to help Petersfield and surrounding villages reduce carbon emissions and protect nature, which we do by leading and supporting decarbonisation and biodiversity projects in the community.

This would make a perfect present for family and friends who are concerned about the climate crisis and living sustainably, those who want to see action locally and already have everything they need. We can now offer gift certificates for donations, which can be slipped into Christmas cards, or sent to you via email to be printed or given digitally if preferred.

donation to PeCAN truly is a gift to, and for, the future.



You can make your donation online and then email us at [email protected] to request a downloadable certificate. Alternatively, you could collect a printed Christmas gift certificate from the Eco Cafe (Courtyard Room, Winton House 10am - midday) or the PeCAN office in The Library next Tuesday 20th December, or from the PeCAN Christmas Party this Thursday 15th December 7pm at The Townhouse. Please let us know if you'd like to collect from the office to arrange a good time.

We also have the option of an occasion non-specific certificate, as seen below, just specify in your email which you require.