Parents across Petersfield have been helping to reduce plastic waste as part of the town’s Toy Swap.

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Organised by Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) in conjunction with Winton House and Home-Start Butser, people were encouraged to donate a toy and return at a later date to collect a toy in exchange.

It’s all part of a mission to cut down on waste. In total, 24 families donated toys to the appeal and 15 swaps were collected. 

Some remaining toys were donated to Cancer Research UK and the rest will be sold at the Petersfield Christmas Festival to raise money for Home-Start Butser.

Sarah Moss, centre manager at Winton House said: “It’s so important that we all do our bit to reduce waste and a toy swap is a wonderful way to encourage families to move on some of their most loved toys in exchange for something different.

“We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who donated toys - it really is making a difference and we hope to run a project like this again soon.”