Aiming to inspire a greener, healthier Petersfield, the second Eco Fair returned to the Heath on Sunday 14th July. Hailed as having ‘a lovely, welcoming atmosphere’ by many visitors, this year’s event was blessed with sunshine and a light breeze.

It was opened with a flourish by the Deputy Town Crier, followed by Mayor JC Crissey, Councillor Rob Mocatta and Petersfield Climate Action Network (PeCAN) Chair Greg Ford. Then the live music kicked off and some 1500 visitors started exploring what the Fair had to offer.

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Wildlife fans could look at live reptiles and find out from the various nature groups how to boost local biodiversity. People could gain advice on their own green energy options from installers, and also find out how community energy solutions can help reduce both individual and collective carbon footprints. Cycling groups and companies offered free advice and checks, with a wide variety of electric vehicles on display. Local climate groups were represented, alongside a good selection of sustainable retailers encouraging a low-waste way of life.

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One of the busiest attractions was the children’s tent, where young visitors explored facts about hedgehogs and owls and crafted fantastic eco creations, including 51 Climate Change Canaries, now winging their way to Damian Hinds MP. Sparkleface painted beautiful designs on 75 thrilled young faces within four hours! Everyone could enjoy delectable food and drinks, listening to a wide range of quality musical entertainment. A highlight was the traditionally dressed Ukrainian Choir, who moved the crowd with their songs and their new fans literally joined in and danced. 

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Winners of the Photography Competition received vouchers for their evocative nature-inspired creations and Young Writers Competition winners (aged 7-14) received book tokens from One Tree Books, with young actors due to read their entries on Shine Radio.

Petersfield Area Lichen Enthusiasts were presented with the Best Stall award by the Mayor.

The event was expertly organised by PeCAN and Petersfield Town Council, with financial support from PTC and East Hampshire District Council, plus invaluable assistance from 40 volunteers and Petersfield Society, who helped with the clear-up and ensured that the Heath was left spotless.

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One visitor said that they were “proud of Petersfield for putting on this kind of event”, that it was “full of people inspired to do things differently" and "great for supporting local businesses and initiatives”. Many attendees told volunteers that they would love the Eco Fair to be an annual rather than biennial event.

Did you attend the Eco Fair? What did you think of it? PeCAN want to know! Your feedback is essential to the future of the event, as is volunteering, and you can offer both via a very quick survey which you can fill in here.

Images courtesy of Tina Knowles Photography