I have seen swifts flying over Petersfield every day since they arrived, although I have not observed as many this year as last, in my part of Petersfield around Penns Road. Typically last year there were around twelve swifts flying over at a time, whereas this year the average was six. It is so positive to hear that they are nesting successfully in other streets in Petersfield.
At the time of writing this blog PeCAN has received a video of swift chicks in their nest in Borough Road. This is very exciting. I have been watching the swifts flying around my street and over my nest boxes and I am hoping next year those installed in Penns Road will be used by the swifts. On the upside, happily the boxes have been used this year by house sparrows, which are fun to observe.
I feel so lucky to be living in a place that has respect for nature and where there is a desire to protect our wonderful wildlife - animals, plants, trees and even our lichen. Thank you PeCAN for all the hard work you put into bringing people in Petersfield together to make changes in order to sustain our special ecology in Petersfield. I discovered this by calling into the Courtyard Room behind Winton House Centre to attend the Eco Cafe (Tuesdays 10-12). This is a place where people can share their ideas and their worries about the future of our beautiful town and wider villages. It also creates connections with other villages and towns who share these concerns. This was where the Swift Streets project took off.
If other people have any ideas I would suggest that you connect with PeCAN via email, attend the Eco Cafe, sign up for their monthly newsletter or read more about this project and register your interest in a swift box.
It goes to show that small things can become bigger and bring people closer together. It gives me hope that people can collaborate and use their own agency to make changes. In May one six year old put a chalk notice outside their house about the danger to nature of spraying the road with chemicals. Neighbour after neighbour asked him to do the same outside their houses. Our road was not sprayed. Well done, Chester!
The swifts will be setting off back to Africa once the babies are ready to go and The Square will miss the sound of the screaming swifts once again. Fingers crossed for 2025!
Find out more in a recent Shine Radio interview with PeCAN trustee Melanie Oxley here: