Nature and Wildlife stallholders

Friends of Petersfield Heath

Friends of Petersfield Heath

Friends of Petersfield Heath are an active group that loves Petersfield Heath. Their main objective is to help Petersfield Town Council conserve and manage Petersfield Heath as an area of natural heathland, grassland, woodland and water for the enjoyment of all those who use it. At the stall you will find information on the species that call the heath home and the work the Friends undertake to maintain and improve the heath as an asset for both wildlife and amenity. Guided walks of the Heath at 11am and 2pm, taking around 40 minutes.

Petersfield Heath website

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation

Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC) is a UK-based wildlife charity dedicated to the conservation of two important groups of animals. They do this by working with partners and influencing others through advocacy, education and increasing awareness. ARC manages 80 nature reserves, covering over 2,000 hectares across Britain.

ARC website

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

All bees are a vital part of our local and global ecosystem. By education and interaction the Bumblebee Conservation Trust hopes to inspire a love and appreciation of bees in all their myriad forms. They aim to enhance the understanding of bumblebee ecology and conservation, increase the quality and quantity of habitat and inspire and enable a diverse range of people to take action for bumblebees.


Bumblebee Conservation website

Hampshire Bat Group

Hampshire Bat Group

Hampshire Bat Group aims to promote bat conservation in the county through events, walks, and talks. Bats need our help because they face many threats, including from loss of habitat, loss of roost sites, light pollution and decline in the abundance of nocturnal insects. Their stall will include information boards and leaflets about British bats, together with bat-themed items for sale and a children's craft activity where they can decorate their own 'bat finger puppets'.

Hampshire Bat Group website

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is one of 46 Wildlife Trusts, all standing up for the natural world. Together they are the nation’s most active and influential nature conservation partnership, protecting wildlife in every part of the British Isles. For over 60 years HIWWT have protected the wildlife and wild places of Hampshire, the Island and our local seas. With the invaluable support of volunteers and members they manage over 60 nature reserves. 

HIWWT website



The RSPB is a charity for the conservation of birds and nature. They bring those who love birds and other wildlife and those who want to take action to restore the health and diversity of the natural world together. An interactive wildlife information stand, demonstrating different wildlife habitats. Offering wildlife advice and information on their conservation work, education programmes and local RSPB reserves.

RSPB website

The Tree Council

The Tree Council

The Tree Council brings everyone together with a shared mission to care for trees and our planet’s future. They inspire and empower organisations, government, communities and individuals with the knowledge and tools to create positive, lasting change at a national and local level. At the Eco Fair they will share information about Tree Wardens and volunteering, and offer advice on tree care. 

The Tree Council website

South Downs National Park

South Downs National Park

Covering over 1600 square kilometres of England’s most valued lowland landscapes in the busiest part of the UK, the South Downs National Park has been shaped by the activities of its farmers and foresters, its large estates and communities, its charities and local businesses. SDNPA staff will be on hand to give advice and share knowledge on the local landscape, offering examples of their nature recovery projects.

South Downs National Park website

Petersfield Area Lichen Enthusiasts

Petersfield Area Lichen Enthusiasts

Petersfield Area Lichen Enthusiasts (PALE) has been set up by two ‘not quite beginners’ who are both members of the British Lichen Society. PALE is a self-learning group which aims to encourage local interest in lichen and actively welcomes complete beginners. Guided lichen walks at midday and 3pm from the stall.

PALE Facebook group

PeCAN, Petersfield Town Council, South Downs National Park and East Hampshire District Council logos