It’s the start of a brand new year and time to think about those New Year’s Resolutions. What are you hoping to achieve this year? What difference would you like to make? Thinking about your impact on our shared planet and reducing your carbon footprint is the best contribution you could make as we begin 2023.
1. Plant a tree - Planting trees (allowing for right tree, right place) is one of the best ways to support our planet and help our wildlife to thrive. Our fruit tree project, which we launched in late 2022, was a huge success and we plan to extend it within this planting season, which ends in March. Fruit trees offer blossom in spring, a fantastic resource for wildlife and pollinators all year round, carbon dioxide sequestration, and even fruit to eat. We hope to reopen orders again soon. For further details, please keep an eye on our social media accounts and our website, or register your interest via this link for when orders re-open.
2. Reduce your waste - There are so many things that, with a little thought, we can reuse or recycle. Recycling can be confusing though, and many people are unaware of what they can recycle and where, and what they can and can’t put in their household recycling bin. Yet recycling is one of many ways we can reduce the impact on our planet as we all bid to reduce the number of items we throw away. PeCAN has a fantastic Recycling Directory to guide you. Check it out HERE.
3. Turn your thermostat down - Do you want to reduce your energy bills while staying warm? Turning down your thermostat is an easy way to reduce the amount you are paying on your bills and it can make a difference without compromising on comfort. You can find more of our energy saving tips HERE.
4. Explore a plant-based diet - January (otherwise known as Veganuary!) is the perfect time to explore vegan food and recipes, in order to establish a more heavily plant-based diet going forward into 2023 and beyond. Meat and dairy are responsible for 14.5% of man-made global greenhouse gas emissions, and natural habitats are being lost to make way for intensive cattle farming, growing animal feed and palm oil. A plant based diet also requires half the amount of water to produce food. It is now widely accepted that, on balance, a plant-based diet is the best diet for our planet. Read more HERE.
5. Grow your own food - As well as being a very therapeutic hobby, gardening makes a big difference to the planet. One of the best ways we can do this is to grow our own food and now is the time to start thinking about what you might like to grow throughout the year ahead.
6. Make energy saving changes to your home - Do you want to reduce your carbon footprint? You could find out how to make your home more energy efficient by booking an assessment through the Petersfield Area SuperHomes (PASH) project. The project involves a professional retrofit coordinator assessing your home and advising you which changes, developments or alterations could make your home warmer and more comfortable, while bringing your bills down. They will consider interventions such as insulation, solar panels, windows and doors, and changing your heating system. Have a look here to find out more.
7. Ditch the car - Active travel is essential when it comes to reducing emissions from vehicles. Whether it's hopping on a bus (take advantage of those £2 journeys), taking the train or simply walking instead of getting in the car, it all makes a difference. If you are driving, remember to switch the engine off when you're stationary to avoid releasing unnecessary fumes into the air. Are you thinking about changing your car? Consider going hybrid or even fully electric.
8. Make space for wildlife - Particularly during the colder months, when the desire to 'tidy up' grips some gardeners, it is vitally important to remember to leave space for our wildlife. These spaces or areas could be deliberately created - a log pile, bug house, hedgehog house or nest box - or they might be sections of the garden you simply leave alone. Many insects overwinter in finished seedheads or dead foliage, which also provides cover for larger animals. 'Tidying up' can deprive our precious and threatened wildlife with a valuable space to shelter and keep warm. If you don't have a garden you could explore ways to offer food and shelter to birds and insects throughout the year via nest boxes, window boxes, bug houses and bird feeders.
9. Take on the One Tonne Challenge - Did you know that the average household in Petersfield is responsible for 18.8 tonnes of carbon emissions a year? If each household in the Petersfield area reduced its emissions by one tonne every year, we could meet this target with two years to spare. Find out more about how you can take on the One Tonne Challenge here.
10. Make a donation to PeCAN - We are working hard to lower carbon emissions and protect nature as collectively we bid to make our world a better place to live in. But we need your help as we rely on funding to carry out our work. If you want to make a difference, why not consider making a donation to PeCAN? Donate here.