There is an ongoing public consultation regarding two planning applications for housing developments between Pulens Lane and the River Rother in Sheet (Allocation Policy SD89), on a site identified in the South Downs Local Plan. PeCAN has submitted an objection because when we reviewed the drawings and documents we found significant problems.

These are the issues we have identified:

  • The site is the subject of two planning applications. One for 17 dwellings (SDNP/24/03657FUL) and a second for 2 dwellings (SDNP/24/03715/FUL), each with their own access road. As a result of splitting the site into two without a connection, an opportunity will be lost for local residents to benefit from a publicly accessible cycle and pedestrian route through the entire site from Pulens Lane to the eastern boundary, as proposed in the Local Plan (Allocation Policy SD85 Paragraph 2a) and the National Park’s Development Brief. The only public access to the open space near the river will be via the new access road, which is problematic for the reasons described below.
  • The proposals include a new road to be constructed between Nos 34 and 36 Pulens Lane to connect the 17 new dwellings. Where this new road passes between Nos 34 and 36, there is insufficient space to construct a pavement, so that pedestrians will share the carriageway with vehicles. High walls on each highway boundary will prevent pedestrians from standing aside to avoid vehicles. In our view, feelings of anxiety will discourage pedestrians from walking along this road, while those with mobility, hearing and sight impairments will be at risk from collisions, as will children.

In view of the problems described above, the development of 17 dwellings will be inaccessible to many pedestrians, cyclists, and bus users, such that future residents are likely to rely entirely on private cars, thus contributing to congestion, poor air quality and poor health.


In addition there are two road safety issues:

  • The geometry of the pavements shown in the plan suggests that northbound pedestrians on the single pavement along Pulens Lane will have to step onto the carriageway when crossing the new access road in order to see vehicles approaching from both directions. Those less mobile will be at risk of being hit by a vehicle, and it will become even more unsafe to use the sub-standard single pavement on this part of Pulens Lane
  • An important contribution to road safety is the provision of adequate visibility to enable drivers to see a potential hazard in time to slow down, or stop. However there is a risk that the forward visibility of vehicle drivers exiting the proposed access road will be obstructed by hedges, which could lead to collisions

In addition, there is an energy efficiency issue. For the proposed 17 dwellings, only limited roof space is proposed for solar panels, thus limiting energy sustainability and increasing the energy costs for occupants. In addition there is a lack of detail about the applicant's commitments on energy efficiency and sustainable construction.

For these reasons, PeCAN has sent an objection letter. You can see the plans, the objections, and post your own comment or objection on the South Downs planning website by looking under these references:

  • The application for 17 dwellings: 24/03657
  • The application for 2 dwellings: 24/03715

The South Downs Local Plan can be found here, see Allocation Policy SD85 on pages 243-245.

The Development Brief for the site by the National Park can be found here.
