25 Jul 2024

Creating Climate Canaries

At Petersfield Eco Fair more than 50 children crafted a ‘climate canary’ and a message to send to Damian Hinds MP.

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02 Jul 2024

How can I ‘vote for the climate’ on Thursday?

You might have seen signs outside people’s houses saying “I’m a climate voter”. What does it mean and who are we supposed to vote for?

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25 Jun 2024

Election Hustings on the Environment

More than 120 people of Petersfield and surrounding villages gathered to put most of our Prospective Parliamentary Candidates through their paces.

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18 Jun 2024

General Election 2024: climate hustings near you

Take this opportunity to ask local prospective parliamentary candidates about their policies on climate change and nature.

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18 Jun 2024

A visit to Rushmere Farm

Discover the sights, sounds and feelings experienced during a visit to Rushmere Farm - a carbon negative, organic cereal farm in Hambledon

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22 May 2024

What can you do to protect insect life near you?

Why has the desire of most of us to help nature become a flashpoint with our local authorities in Hampshire?

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14 May 2024
Categories: Policy Community

Could Local Authorities have a bigger role in climate...

After government's legal defeat, PeCAN thinks Local Authorities should have a bigger role in climate action

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10 May 2024
Categories: Nature Policy Community

Chemical Spraying in Petersfield

Despite protestations from Petersfield's residents last summer, HCC has ordered the chemical spraying of Petersfield pavements this June

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